THROWBACK POST: My First Metal Detecting Finds

THROWBACK POST: My First Metal Detecting Finds.  Originally published March 2011.

When hiking through the woods near my house I noticed a barbed wire fence that was growing through some trees.

I quickly realized that someone had fenced this area off for a reason some time in the past.   After some investigation I came upon an old rock foundation in the woods.  Later I returned with a friends metal detector and dug my first relics.

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It turns out that these items are part of a horse tack and used to pull wagons.  Not earth shattering finds, but I still remember pulling these out of the ground and being amazed at finding rusted pieces of history.

US Cavalry Curry Brush circa 1880-1905

US Cavalry Curry Brush

I also found a pocket knife, and a leather handle cover to a US Curry brush where the barn was on that property.


The pocket knife is an “Old Timer” and ironically I had hoped to find a pocket knife there. My favorite find from that site is a Tootsie Toy truck, though.


1949 Ford F6 circa 1950

1949 Ford F6 circa 1950

It is finds like these  that remind me of what metal detecting is really all about.  Just getting outside and enjoying being able to recover artifacts from days gone by.

Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me and checking out my Throwback post of First Metal Detecting Finds.

They’re not silver or gold, but they Are a reminder of the days of old.


About Ozarks

I enjoy Metal Detecting in The Ozark Mountains where I primarily detect for relics and coins. I have tested and used over 20+ metal detectors as a dealer and experience as Company Sponsored 'Pro Staff' Product Tester. Published Metal Detecting Author. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases made through amazon links and advertisements of products on this site.
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