A day of metal detecting at the soccer fields

It was perfect weather for metal detecting here in the Ozarks so I decided to detect at a local park with soccer fields.  Sticking to the areas where observers sit I was able to find a few neat finds.

This Florida Soccer Referee’s coin sounded like a quarter but to my surprise it was something different.

That is why I like to detect at these type of spots, you seriously never know what you’re going to find…lol

Heads or Tails? I bet that Referee was kicking himself in the butt for losing his flip coin!

Later I found this LA Galaxy pin.  I don’t follow soccer, but apparently the LA Galaxy are a professional soccer team, so it was a cool find as well.

Since I’m a dad this was a neat find, knowing that a kid probably gave it to her dad, and he lost it, I would return it if I knew who’s it was. I’m sure it has sentimental value to him.

This TSC Hurricane medallion also sounded like a quarter, and since finding it I have learned some interesting information about the organization, and have shared a bit of it with you in the attached image below. 🙂

I was finding modern quarters everywhere, and it was fun cherry picking those high 80’s with my Garrett AT PRO Metal Detector.  At places like this, you have to dig pretty much everything if you want jewelry, so I dug some pennies until I got tired of them. HA!

I was hoping to find some jewelry, but all in all it was a fun day out metal detecting in great weather. I had fun, and that’s what really matters! Oh yeah, almost forgot, I found a spot that I can’t wait to detect in about a month or so, a spot I’m excited about!

Wish you all the best of luck on your next hunts! 

Just a Note: I do NOT condone metal detecting ON a soccer field. That is frowned upon by everyone from the players to the parks departments.  Always use extreme care when detecting at public places so as to leave no holes for others to step in.  Always err on the side of caution and leave no trace of your presence.  I was hunting by shade trees and edges, just FYI.

Thinking about buying an AT Pro? Please consider purchasing the
Garrett AT Pro metal detector on Amazon where I receive a small commission as an affiliate. It’s greatly appreciated!

About Ozarks

I enjoy Metal Detecting in The Ozark Mountains where I primarily detect for relics and coins. I have tested and used over 20+ metal detectors as a dealer and experience as Company Sponsored 'Pro Staff' Product Tester. Published Metal Detecting Author. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases made through amazon links and advertisements of products on this site.
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2 Responses to A day of metal detecting at the soccer fields

  1. Watash says:

    Cool! It was a good day.

  2. Michelle says:

    Those are great finds! I like modern quarters, I throw them in a jar and save them for metal detecting goodies or at least a cup of coffee afterwards. 🙂

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